The Bund No.5

One of the Top 5 finalists for the Nude Mixology Competition 2021.

This is a low abv. cocktail made with osmanthus. It’s a classic regional edible flower in southern parts of China.


150ml Osmanthus infused Vodka*
120ml Lemon juice
90ml Simple syrup
30ml Luxardo Liquor
360ml Filtered water
Charge with CO2, shake for 1min store in fridge + serve chilled.

Rapid Infused Osmanthus Vodka:

6g osmanthus flower
500ml haku vodka
2 nitrous oxide chargers
1 half-liter whip cream charger

Set 2min 30s timer:
0s: charge the first charger and shake for 30s

1min: charge the second charger and shake for 30s

2m30s: dispense the gas asap

In a big mixing bowl, pour out all liquid and wait for 15-30min. After no bubble bursting sound, filter through coffee filter and bottle.

The Bund No.5

Named after a historical landmark in Shanghai. Built in 1925 by a Japanese shipping company, The Bund No.5 later turned into a fine diner in 2006.


Salmon Fillet (with potato purée and seasonal produce)


The Sharon